



  • Title:TPS 年度活動「你投票了沒!」公布幸運得主
  • News Date:2013-01-08

 親愛的TPS Facebook粉絲與電子報的訂閱讀者,您們好:

TPS年度最佳專欄/競賽 —「你投票了沒!」已順利圓滿結束,感謝各位粉絲熱情分享。「你投票了沒!」活動,是請所有喜愛TPS、熱愛英文的朋友與粉絲們,在過去2012這一年裡TPS所刊登的英文競賽與學術專欄中,選出最喜歡的前二項並寫上簡單的理由/建議,再從參加者中隨機抽出兩名幸運兒,贈送統一超商購物禮券,價值新台幣三百元。TPS團隊已於2013年1月4日抽出幸運得主,在此特別感謝賴O薇小姐與陳O吟小姐為抽獎過程進行公平見證。以下公布得獎者名單,我們將於5個工作天內寄出獎品。我們亦從所有粉絲們寫的理由/建議中挑選出精選填答,您心中的想法將是未來TPS進行競賽/專欄的方向與重要依據。再次感謝粉絲們踴躍參加!



One Word Away From Confusion Contest你能找出混淆字嗎?
1. 混淆字在文章內很需要被注意,我之前也有把BOILED跟SPOILED搞混過,那時候也是讓老師困惑好久,所以我很喜歡這個競賽,他讓我知道很多混淆字/努力找出混淆字真的滿有趣的!
2. 有趣,增加知識,又能拿獎品!
3. 會自己試試看能否找出混淆字。
4. I like this contest because it helps me to note the commonly mistakes learners may make when choosing appropriate words.A slight different of spelling may change the meaning of the sentence in an opposite way.
5. 有趣味性。
Finish the Sentence Contest你是接龍的高手嗎?
1. This challenge attempts to familiarize ourselves with the accuracy of prepositions and organize our thoughts in speaking and writing. Love it^^
2. 接龍也是非常有趣的單元。
Verbalize Contest你能找出關鍵的動詞嗎?
1. 可訓練自己掌握句子的核心語意。
2. 在學習英文上,一直覺得動詞是英文中最難掌握的,有些單字可能同時有動詞和名詞的解釋,透過這個活動,可以增進對動詞掌握的靈敏度。
3. This contest inspires learners to explore appropriate verbs, which fosters them to use their creativity while learning English.
4. Although this is a difficult contest, I find it challening and helpful to learn more verbs as choosing a good verb can polish the sentence and make it appear in a vivid way.
Punctuation Mastery Contest你是善用標點符號的高手嗎?
1. 英文標點符號真的很重要,就連我幾個朋友都說他們不太會用;有一個這個專欄來討論標點符號真的滿好的,也釐清很多觀念!
2. As some learners tend to ignore the importance of punctuation while composing sentences, this contest helps learners to pay attention to subtle errors that learners may make.
1. 避免犯錯!
2. 很實用,幫助自己從事論文創作。
3. 值得參考。
1. 有個幫助寫作依據。
2. 對正在寫論文的我非常實用!
3. 因為本身有寫論文,所以針對貴單位提供相當多有用的建議及方法,對自己有實質的效益。
What does that mean? 你真的瞭解這個慣用語嗎? 寫得很清楚一目了然。
This is not academic writing 學術文章不是這麼寫的 The publication of the academic journal could be a task of precision and accuracy in wordings. This column indeed clarified our confusions in academic writing structures and assists us as graduate students on the right track of preparation for the thesis. It serves as a reminder of S-V-O parallelism and the transitional words which could lead your work to a diaster. I do benefit great from this forum.


TPS Team


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  • Last Update Time:2013-01-08 PM 12:01


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