




    4 Ways to Use Humor in Papers # 2 在論文中善用幽默的四大守則第二條

  • 2013-09-17
  • 寫學術論文的人常聽說不要用幽默來表達觀點。雖然這個告誡用心良苦,但完全不用幽默又太過頭了。幽默是有效的溝通方法,而寫作學術論文本就該懂得運用各種溝通方法。本系列文章說明如何用適當的方式,在學術論文中有效運用幽默。文章將刊登在 TPS 粉絲頁,最後集結於電子報。 Writers of academic papers are cautioned against employing humor to communicate their points. The caution is well-intentioned, but outright prohibition of lightly humorous material goes too far. Humor is a valid method of communication and authors of academic papers should have every method at their disposal. This series of columns will describe how humor can be effective and acceptable in scholarly writing. Each part in the series will be presented on the TPS Fan page before being compiled. 2nd Humor Guideline – Use it Seriously 幽默守則第二條-幽默要慎重使用 Have you heard the one about the funnyman who became a surgeon? He left his patients in stitches. This joke might be amusing if the hearer of it is familiar with the colloquial phrase “in stitches,” which means laughing uncontrollably. If the phrase is unfamiliar, the stab at humor is only puzzling—and puzzlement is never a strength in an academic paper. Therefore, any writer making a comic allusion should be sure that the language of the humor is universal, or at least is in the vernacular of a grading professor. Puzzling humor is worse than leaden use of words. 你聽過一個笑話嗎?有個喜劇演員當了外科醫生,結果病人都笑得闔不攏嘴(譯註:這個笑話用了雙關語,原文 He left his patients in stitches,stitches 有縫線的意思,「in stitches」指笑得停不下來)。如果聽的人知道口語詞「in stitches」是讓人爆笑不止的意思,那這個笑話就很好笑。如果聽的人不知道,就會看不懂原本的幽默,而看不懂絕對算不上學術論文的優點。因此,寫作時如果要做幽默的比喻,要確定這種表達一般人都看得懂,或至少用的口語,打分數教授看得懂。看不懂的幽默,比沉悶的表達還糟糕。 More to the point, the insertion of a humorous aside or reflection always should help drive a narrative forward. It should help build momentum and add to a logical string. If it does none of that, it is doing the opposite—it is slowing and frustrating a reader. When a writer senses that his message is not crisp and lively, and chooses to be humorous in an effort to give it some “zip,” he has chosen unwisely. Reworking an entire body of writing to enliven it is always the best choice. Only if resorting to humor genuinely energizes a paper and advances a message is it acceptable. 更重要的是,穿插詼諧的題外話或意見時,一定要能加強敘述、產生動能,並增強邏輯。如果一項都做不到,就會造成反效果,讓人讀得慢且充滿挫折。如果作者發現內容不夠生動有力,決定運用幽默筆法好給文章一點活力,這個決定其實不太明智。最好的選擇應該是重寫整篇文章,讓文章更有生氣。幽默必須能同時讓文章更生動,並且能推展文章要旨。 Because humor has, by definition, a comic side, it must be used purposefully. Scholars are purposeful in their scholarship, all learning being a serious and gratifying undertaking. It is, in a phrase, no joking matter. Consequently, any humor that comes across as levity, or frivolous, is out of character with scholarly writing. Therefore, any writer who uses all proven communication techniques—including humor—indeed runs the risk of failing. However, if he succeeds, his reward is peer and professorial recognition as a disciplined, powerful communicator. 因為幽默本來就有滑稽好笑的一面,所以運用時必須深思熟慮。學者鑽研學問是很慎重的,做學問是件認真且有收穫的工作,簡單來說,不是件開玩笑的事。因此,幽默如果給人隨便或輕浮的印象,就不適合學術著作。寫作時運用幽默等各種有效的溝通技巧,的確有可能失敗。不過如果成功了,就能展現嫻熟有力的溝通能力,受同儕和教授稱道。 ...
  • 文章來源:TPS News

    2013 暑假優惠專案延長至9月30日

  • 2013-09-12
  • 親愛的TPS Facebook粉絲與電子報的訂閱讀者,您們好: 暑期優惠專案只到九月三十日止,心動不如馬上行動! 「英文學術發表專家」自七月一日起所推出的暑期優惠專案,感謝教授老師與同學們的支持,這次的活動,凡英文潤稿達1,500字以上,立即享有15%優惠折扣,只到九月三十日止。感謝粉絲們的熱情參與,最後期限的好康相報請千萬不要錯過! 投稿論文,您需要品質更好、更值得信賴的夥伴!您的專業由您主導,您的英文品質由我們把關,讓您期刊自信投稿,抓住入選良機。 更多內容,請參閱TPS電子報、Facebook與 Blog的最新資訊。 TPS Team...
  • 文章來源:TPS News

    4 Ways to Use Humor in Papers # 1 在論文中善用幽默的四大守則第一條

  • 2013-08-06
  • 寫學術論文的人常聽說不要用幽默來表達觀點。雖然這個告誡用心良苦,但完全不用幽默又太過頭了。幽默是有效的溝通方法,而寫作學術論文本就該懂得運用各種溝通方法。本系列文章說明如何用適當的方式,在學術論文中有效運用幽默。文章將刊登在 TPS 粉絲頁,最後集結於電子報。 Writers of academic papers are cautioned against employing humor to communicate their points. The caution is well-intentioned, but outright prohibition of lightly humorous material goes too far. Humor is a valid method of communication and authors of academic papers should have every method at their disposal. This series of columns will describe how humor can be effective and acceptable in scholarly writing. Each part in the series will be presented on the TPS Fan page before being compiled. 1st Humor Guideline – Use it Carefully 幽默守則第一條-幽默要小心運用 One of the rules laid out for writers of serious papers is… don’t try to be funny. There is wisdom in such counsel. It indeed is wise not to try to be funny. Every comedian who has died on stage when his humor falls flat can attest that nothing is more painful than failing to connect with an audience. Academic writers often present their material to an audience of one, who grades the material even more mercilessly than a nightclub crowd. So, yes, if humor is not your forte, don’t try to force it on your professor. But if you do have talent for turning an amusing phrase, use it. 寫作嚴肅文章有一條清楚的規定-不要假裝風趣。這條忠告是有道理的,假裝風趣確實不聰明。喜劇演員如果曾經因為幽默失靈在台上尷尬不已,都可以告訴你,最討厭的莫過於和觀眾失去交流。學術論文的觀眾只有一位,而且評論起來比喜劇觀眾更不留情。所以,如果幽默不是你的強項,不要硬塞給教授,但如果你真的擅長寫作幽默風趣的文字,就儘管寫吧。 Nearly every person—of course, some don’t have a clue—knows whether he is amusing in his expression. Yet even those who have such talent don’t always employ it effectively. They joke too much, and too much of any good thing usually is bad. They try to amuse people at inappropriate times, when solemnity clearly is preferred. They perhaps get too raw in their jesting or become slapstick in their delivery. Scholarly writers certainly will not impress anyone with any of the above. So, as much thought should be given to the context of humor as to the humor itself. 幾乎每個人都知道自己的表達是否風趣(當然就是有些人會搞不清楚),但有幽默感的人也不是每次都能運用自如,他們可能開太多玩笑,而任何好事情一旦過頭往往就成了壞事。他們想逗人笑的時機不對,有時顯然嚴肅正經比較好。有時他們也可能把玩笑開得太粗俗或變成一場鬧劇。寫作學術文章如果犯了上述毛病,就絕對寫不出優秀作品。所以除了幽默本身必須仔細構思,運用幽默的場合也要好好思考。 Knowing when to inject an amusing comment is even more delicate in academic writing than in show biz. That’s because the goal is not to amuse per se but to communicate a larger point. If a humorous expression distracts a reader from a thread of thought, it is detracting from the paper rather than contributing to its success. Therefore, in a paper as in every other venue, timing is important. A light comment should slip into the flow of thought as naturally as any other element of the writing and for the same reason: to move the reader toward a desired conclusion. 比起喜劇表演,寫作學術文章時更難拿捏下筆詼諧的適當時機,因為學術文章的宗旨不是討好讀者,而是溝通重要的觀點。如果幽默會分散讀者對文章脈絡的注意力,那就對論文有害無益。因此,寫論文時如果要運用幽默,一如在其他場合運用幽默一樣,時機最重要。詼諧妙語就像其他的寫作技巧,必須沿著文章理路自然融入,因為它們的目的都是要說服讀者接受文章的結論。...
  • 文章來源:TPS News

    5 Good Deadline-Meeting Habits # 5 五個養成準時交稿的好習慣之五

  • 2013-07-16
  • 學術界的人都很忙,永遠有比寫學術論文更要緊的事,論文截稿或發表期限往往一不小心就被忽略了,最後只能在緊要關頭手忙腳亂地完成。這種被死線追著跑的過程可謂苦不堪言。其實,輕輕鬆鬆按時交稿跟任何習慣一樣,是學得來的。此系列將逐一介紹有哪些習慣可減少面對截稿期限的恐懼,還能增進論文的品質,最後會在TPS粉絲專頁為各位做個總整理。 Authors of academic papers have other things to do. In the general busyness of academia, the deadline for a paper to be handed in or published can get overlooked. The subsequent scramble to complete the paper on time can be painful. Painless deadline-meeting can be learned like any other habit. This series will describe some habits that not only make deadlines less threatening but can improve the quality of the papers themselves. Each of the habits will be presented on the TPS Fan page before being compiled. Good Habit # 5 – Give yourself some margin (to start over!) 好習慣之五:給你自己一點緩和的空間 (有時間重頭再來) It is said that the best laid plans of mice and men are for nought when the unexpected occurs. That being true as well for writers of academic papers, it is wise to include the prospect of failure in your planning. By doing so, you virtually eliminate the possibility of failure. The truth is, a conscientious scholar-author will not fail to deliver a paper by the due date. Such people cannot countenance the idea of failing. Yet unless they recognize that circumstances beyond their control can indeed make hash of their plans, they might have to scramble to submit a weak, thin paper. 我們常說:再怎麼謹慎的計畫也會有出錯的可能,這樣的意外對於專精論文的學者也都無法避免。聰明的做法唯有在計畫研究時就考慮將來失敗的可能性,並想好遭遇困難的應對方法,如此一來你可以完全避免最終失敗的結果。其實有良心的學者們絕對會準時交稿,因為對他們而言實在無法接受失敗的挫折,除非真的是因為一些超出他們所能控制的因素,他們才有可能草草地交出一篇欠佳的文章。 So, yes, failure is possible for any academic writer if only failure to uphold a standard of excellence. The way around this is to build into a writing schedule an awareness that a writing path first taken might prove to lead nowhere, requiring a retreat to a more fruitful one. Sometimes it means a subject must be approached from another angle using a whole different set of sources. Sometimes it means a premise proves faulty and must be adjusted to fit the facts. But occasionally it means a subject turns out to be thin grist and must be tossed for something more substantial. 因為有些學者對論文的要求非常高,所以只要沒達到對自己的要求他們就認為研究失敗了。想避免這個困擾的學者們必須明白,最初的假論可能無法證明你的學說,因此你得有另一個可能成功的假論。也許你必須從另一個角度和換個方法想想,也可能你必須從其他新的方向起步。有時你起初的假論出錯了,你必須根據事實及證據重新確認你的學說。或是最後的研究發現沒有辦法強烈地支持學說,而需要重新找出更具說服力的因素。 The solution, I repeat, is awareness. One can only allot so much time to a paper, after all; it is not possible to always leave lots of time to start over. What is possible is to constantly monitor the viability of a project and the rate of progress in completing it. By so doing, a writer can recognize early on that he is caught up in a false start. Are the early sources not as productive as anticipated? Red flag. Is early material not substantiating the whole operating theory of a paper? Red flag. Are evidentiary contradictions piling up? Red flag. Evaluate as you research and retreat if necessary. 我再次強調,避免研究失敗的方法就是在計畫研究時就考慮將來失敗的可能性。 每篇論文都有交稿的期限,學者們終究無法一直重頭開始,但是你可以監督你的研究進度,並安排時間表讓你可以按照進度進行。如此一來你才能盡早發現錯誤,盡早處理。以下情形為當您作研究時需要提高警覺之處:初步的研究發現是否為你所預期的?初步發現的證據不支持你的最終論點?或者相互矛盾的證據不斷增加?當你遇到上述情形時,如果有必要就請重新衡量你的研究。及早發現便能及時調整與修改論文了。...
  • 文章來源:TPS News


  • 2013-06-18
  • 親愛的TPS Facebook粉絲與電子報的訂閱讀者,您們好: 投稿論文,你需要品質更好、更值得信賴的夥伴! 常理來說,論文應該是以研究水準來衡量好壞,而非以英文寫作技巧。然而,當寫作文章錯誤百出、架構紊亂無序時,看起來就是不夠專業! 「英文學術發表專家」自七月一日起將推出暑期優惠專案,凡英文潤稿達1,500字以上,立即享有15%優惠折扣。您的專業由您主導,您的英文品質由我們把關,讓您期刊自信投稿,抓住入選良機。 更多內容,請參閱TPS電子報、Facebook與 Blog的最新資訊。 TPS Team...
  • 文章來源:TPS News

    Vacation Notice

  • 2013-06-11
  • Dear Fans, The Dragon Boat Festival on June 12 is a wonderful reason not to work, so we are taking a break. Maybe we’ll see you at the races! Have a great holiday break and we’ll be back with more academic assistance. TPS Team...
  • 文章來源:TPS News

    5 Good Deadline-Meeting Habits # 4 五個養成準時交稿的好習慣之四

  • 2013-06-11
  • 學術界的人都很忙,永遠有比寫學術論文更要緊的事,論文截稿或發表期限往往一不小心就被忽略了,最後只能在緊要關頭手忙腳亂地完成。這種被死線追著跑的過程可謂苦不堪言。其實,輕輕鬆鬆按時交稿跟任何習慣一樣,是學得來的。此系列將逐一介紹有哪些習慣可減少面對截稿期限的恐懼,還能增進論文的品質,最後會在TPS粉絲專頁為各位做個總整理。 Authors of academic papers have other things to do. In the general busyness of academia, the deadline for a paper to be handed in or published can get overlooked. The subsequent scramble to complete the paper on time can be painful. Painless deadline-meeting can be learned like any other habit. This series will describe some habits that not only make deadlines less threatening but can improve the quality of the papers themselves. Each of the habits will be presented on the TPS Fan page before being compiled. Good Habit # 4 – Take a Break 好習慣之四:適時地休息,釋放壓力 At some point in the development of your academic paper, you need to take a break. I know this flies in the face of the whole idea of meeting a deadline. However, as important as systematically working ahead on a project is walking away from it at the right time. The old maxim is, “All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.” That could read, “All work and no play makes for a dull paper.” Unrelieved immersion in research or writing of an academic piece is likely to produce unrelieved yawning—or worse—among readers. Taking a break helps avoid this consequence. 寫作論文讓你的精神持續緊繃,這時你需要暫時放下手中的工作、釋放壓力。這聽起來似乎和準時交稿的目標背道而馳,然而,適時地休息和努力不懈、有條不紊地完成工作一樣重要。俗話說的好:「整天埋頭苦讀而不願意停下來喘口氣,天才都會悶成呆頭鵝。」換句話說:「光顧著埋首寫作而不懂得釋放壓力的人,只會寫出艱澀難讀的蹩腳文章。」一味埋頭鑽研字句、沉浸在論文寫作不作他想,對讀者而言只是在創造難以理解的學術篇章,更甚的像是將研究成果放在學術的高塔,讓人高攀不了。適度的休息能夠避免這種狀況發生。 However, make it a structured break. I know, that also flies in the face of usual counsel about the value of spontaneity in vacations. Yet the purpose of the break is to replenish mental strength, not become flaccid in your thinking. So some mental calisthenics are a good idea during the break. Write a long, chatty letter to your mother, or sister, or fiancé. Why? You tap into the emotional side of your vocabulary and flush the impersonal, academic stuff. It is an exercise in grounding. Also, read a good book or articles written by an admired writer. It might inform your own writing. 然而,即使是休息也必須是精心策劃、有目的而為的。我了解這和休息的動機南轅北轍。在這說的休息,是為了達到有效釋放心理壓力,暢通停滯思路的目的。建議你作些轉換心情、感性的活動,像是寫封真情流露的信問候父母、兄弟姊妹,或是許久不見的朋友。將自己從嚴肅、一板一眼的氣氛中抽離,能夠幫助你緩和心情、沉澱思緒。你也可以在這時讀些喜歡的書、短文,因為透過閱讀能幫助你修正和增進自己的寫作技巧。 How long a break is advisable? You might drop the work for a few days, perhaps a week. This will not be possible, even for a day, if you haven’t scheduled the break at the start of the project and stayed on schedule. In that sense, the break is a reward for good planning and good work. The real reward is a brain that has been rested a bit, and eyes that can see the project with fresh, new perspective. Portraitists work intensely, close to the canvas, and then step back to see what they have wrought. Writers must do the same, stepping back for a few days for a better view. 休息多久才恰當?如果事先周全計劃,你就有暫時放下手邊工作幾天或一星期的餘裕。休息是對自己努力工作達成目標的犒賞,同時能讓思緒重整,為大腦注入新的刺激,讓你從不同的角度檢視工作成果。畫家不眠不休地對著畫布的一角作畫,最後總會起身、退後幾步,從完整的角度重新審視自己的作品,作最後修正。寫作學術論文也應如此,試著放下已完成的章節,跳出原本的框架再次檢視,能幫助你將文章修飾得更加完美。...
  • 文章來源:TPS News

    「5 Good Deadline-Meeting Habits 五個養成準時交稿的好習慣」

  • 2013-05-17
  • 親愛的TPS Facebook粉絲與電子報的訂閱讀者,您們好: 創作學術文章時,老是被「死線」(deadline) 追著跑嗎?是否常常只能在緊要關頭手忙腳亂地完成,成果也不盡人意呢? 其實,輕輕鬆鬆按時交稿跟任何習慣一樣,是學得來的。「5 Good Deadline-Meeting Habits五個養成準時交稿的好習慣」此系列已逐一介紹有哪些習慣可減少面對截稿期限的恐懼,還能增進論文的品質。嘗試了「Get started開始做就對了」、「Do the worst first從最討厭的部分開始」、「Expect Obstacles未雨綢繆,為突發狀況提早作準備」,還有哪些習慣呢?請持續鎖定TPS粉絲專頁。 更多內容,請參閱TPS電子報、Facebook與 Blog的最新資訊。 TPS Team...
  • 文章來源:TPS News

    5 Good Deadline-Meeting Habits 五個養成準時交稿的好習慣之三

  • 2013-05-14
  • 學術界的人都很忙,永遠有比寫學術論文更要緊的事,論文截稿或發表期限往往一不小心就被忽略了,最後只能在緊要關頭手忙腳亂地完成。這種被死線追著跑的過程可謂苦不堪言。其實,輕輕鬆鬆按時交稿跟任何習慣一樣,是學得來的。此系列將逐一介紹有哪些習慣可減少面對截稿期限的恐懼,還能增進論文的品質,最後會在TPS粉絲專頁為各位做個總整理。 Authors of academic papers have other things to do. In the general busyness of academia, the deadline for a paper to be handed in or published can get overlooked. The subsequent scramble to complete the paper on time can be painful. Painless deadline-meeting can be learned like any other habit. This series will describe some habits that not only make deadlines less threatening but can improve the quality of the papers themselves. Each of the habits will be presented on the TPS Fan page before being compiled. Good Habit # 3 – Expect Obstacles 未雨綢繆,為突發狀況提早作準備 Good academic writers are good project managers. They must be to balance their other work with the urgent work of planning, researching, writing, and finishing an academic paper. Like all good managers, they are able to multi-task, to do the daily tasks of researching and writing at the same time they methodically complete the overview tasks, such as organizing material and keeping track of where they are in a project. Keeping these juggled balls in the air is a developed skill: the habit of looking ahead to anticipate and avoid potential obstacles to completing a paper on time. 優秀的學者一定是傑出的專案經理,他們能妥善安排時間,讓自己在被期限追趕的研究、實驗、假設、論證、發表論文和私人生活間游刃有餘,如同專案經理般日理萬機,一邊進行著論文寫作,另一邊還能繼續分析、統整資料,確保進度不落後。其實這樣得心應手掌握全局的能力是可以培養的:只要養成凡事先規劃的習慣,預想可能發生的突發狀況,就能不急不徐地避開障礙,持續工作,準時交稿。 Anyone who has ridden a bicycle or motorcycle knows the importance of a rider keeping his eyes down the road to more easily maintain balance and smoothly adjust the path of the two-wheeler to the obstacles ahead. The same is true of writers in lengthy research-and-writing projects. You must keep “pedaling” (or in the case of motorcycles, keep a hand on the throttle) while you scan ahead for obstacles. What sort of obstacles? A suspect source that proves unfruitful. A holiday schedule that blocks access to research materials. A personal agenda item that disrupts the work. 就像騎單車或摩托車,眼睛直視前方能讓你清楚地看到路面上的石頭或坑洞,適時地調整方向、避開障礙,保持車身平穩及行車順暢。進行冗長的論文寫作如同踩著單車踏板〈若是騎摩托車則是不斷轉動把手催油門〉往目的地前進,若你能防患於未然,就能讓自己安全抵達終點。發生了什麼事會讓你在寫作時分心?預想的假設無法成立?假日圖書館沒開不能查資料借書?還是有無法拒絕的重要聚會? Then there are the inexplicable obstacles that can’t be anticipated—a funeral in the family or an apartment fire that engulfs research notes. Those major disruptions generally result in deadline extensions. It is the foreseeable obstacles that professors hear about most often… and discount. They tend not to sympathize with writers who simply have not built flexibility into their thinking and their schedules. Here is the truth: There will be problems in the course of an academic writing project, there will be obstacles, and the writer who plans ahead for them can still arrive on time. 世事難料,有些狀況確實會讓你措手不及,像是親戚家人過世、突如其來的大火將完成的稿子付之一炬。遇到這樣的事通常能得到教授的通融,允許你延後交稿。然而教授最常聽到請求延遲交稿的理由往往不是這些無法避免的狀況,對於沒有事先作好計劃而導致遲交的藉口教授是半信半疑,不了解輕重緩急來安排優先順序的學生,教授往往不會給予任何同情和寬容。再一次強調,在寫作學術論文時難免會遇到難題和阻礙,但未雨綢繆、事先做好規劃的人在面對困難時總能迎刃而解,順利在期限內交稿,絕不拖延。...
  • 文章來源:TPS News

    Vacation Notice

  • 2013-05-10
  • Dear Fans, For Mother’s Day, May12, we will take a break—something that, by the way, mothers hardly ever get to do! Mothers and anyone who has mothered a child deserve celebration. We hope you and your mother enjoy some special time together. We’ll be back with more academic assistance. TPS Team...
  • 文章來源:TPS News


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