Professor Pedantic 教授的考究學問

The professor awaits your query on academic writing, though in all honesty, he doesn’t have a lot of time for you. He is a tenured full professor and working on yet another magnificent academic tome. Even so, he has graciously consented to entertain your question. Submit it and prepare to be edified.

QUESTION: When I research a subject, I find many ancillary facts that seem pertinent. However, usually I leave them out of a paper because they don’t seem pertinent enough. How much material of that nature should I try to incorporate into a paper?

This is an excellent question because it addresses the processes of elimination and inclusion. The line between relevant and irrelevant material is not as bright as it might seem. A sculptor was asked to explain his skill at carving a horse and replied that he simply chiseled away everything that didn’t look like a horse. Just so does a skilled writer include in a paper every researched fact that belongs there and eliminates the rest. What skilled sculptors and academic writers confidently understand is that their “horse” will be wholly of their creation and can look like none before it.

Three kinds of information come to light in researching a paper. Some kinds of information will be totally irrelevant and of no value. Some will be totally relevant and key to giving the paper substance and weight. The third kind of information is relevant, but not directly so. It is this source material that gives writers pause. It perhaps gives credence to an argument, but only indirectly or by inference. It is outdated, yet contains elements of truth and perspective. Toss it or include it? If it helps advance a postulate, include it. The question is, how can it be incorporated?

The answer is to synthesize the material. That is, to connect the more peripheral material to the main body of content and thereby enhance the whole body of work. This is not a padding process. You are not trying to bulk up the paper. Rather, synthesizing outlying material can give a paper context, perspective, and depth. The challenge is to find natural connecting points along which a reader can move smoothly without feeling he is on a tangent. When this is accomplished, a writer has expanded his academic writing skills and produced a paper of enriched content and appeal.

Last Update at 2013-01-11 PM 2:12 | 0 Comments

6 Essential Rules for Persuasive Writing # 6 – Finish with energy 發揮寫作說服力的六大準則之六:持續不懈地支持論點

不管是自己選擇或教授指定,若要寫作論說式學術文章,必須先做好心理準備。你必須說明個人意見,選定觀點也很重要,結構與表達尤其攸關文章成敗。本專欄介紹六大關鍵準則,讓你寫作時發揮說服力,每項準則都會刊登在 TPS 粉絲專頁,並在最後集結於 TPS 學術電子報。
Whether by choice or assignment, when an argumentative academic paper is the task at hand, the writer must approach it with an appropriate mindset. Subjective values come into play. Point of view becomes important. Organization and presentation become even more critical to success. The elements of successful persuasive writing are explained in this series, “6 Essential Rules for Persuasive Writing.” Each of the rules will be presented on the TPS Fan page before being compiled.

Rule # 6 – Finish with energy

Argumentative writing is, almost by definition, energetic. More so than some academic papers, it is not in tone or substance a laid-back exercise in writing. While presentation of the subject must be logical and methodical and be constrained by the rules of academic discourse, the writing nevertheless must have an underlying intensity to it. After all, the object is to persuade someone to embrace a conclusion advanced by the writer and this cannot be done without expending effort.
撰寫論說文(argumntative writing) 就如字面上的意思,必須夠力(energetic)。和一些學術論文不同的是,論說文在語氣或實質上都不是隨性的寫作。雖然介紹主題必須合乎邏輯、有條理並嚴守規則,但寫作內容仍須具備內在強度。畢竟文章的目標是說服讀者接受作者提出的論點,而這並非輕易就能做到的。

So it is important to stay resolutely on point with an argument and to not exhaust support for the argument before the paper’s end. A race horse can run a magnificent race and be far ahead in the final turn and still lose the race because of poor pacing. Similarly, an argumentative paper must still be strong in substance and surprising in presentation right up through its conclusive paragraphs. Having the last word in an “argument” requires planning and intellectual stamina.

“Energy” is an elusive quality in a persuasive paper. It has nothing to do with the number of words used in the paper, nor to the brashness of a viewpoint. Rather, an energetic argumentative paper is a focused one. It is unremitting in making the case for a point of view. It is not marred by tangential, distracting passages. It is lean and purposeful. While it is courteous in its language, it is makes no attempt to disguise its rejection of opposing views. And it is that way clear to the end.

Last Update at 2013-01-07 PM 3:22 | 0 Comments

Professor Pedantic 教授的考究學問

The professor awaits your query on academic writing, though in all honesty, he doesn’t have a lot of time for you. He is a tenured full professor and working on yet another magnificent academic tome. Even so, he has graciously consented to entertain your question. Submit it and prepare to be edified.

QUESTION: I slipped up in my concluding section and used the pronoun “you” in describing the impact of a certain economic practice, saying “This will produce baleful consequences for you as a consumer.” My professor jumped on it and bumped my grade lower. Didn’t he overreact?
我不小心在結論的部份犯錯,用了「you」這個代名詞描述特定經濟實踐所帶來的影響。句子是這麼寫的:「This will produce baleful consequences for you as a consumer。」教授看了非常不滿意,把分數打得更低了。他是不是反應太過激烈了?

Far be it from me to know why your professor reacted as he did, particularly when I know so little about the paper. Was the inappropriate pronoun use an example of the academic paper’s weak structure generally? Has it been a problem that your professor has addressed at length previously? Sometimes even temperate instructors can lose their patience when it appears a student refuses to learn principles taught again and again. So without indicting your professor for reacting hastily, let’s simply revisit the general prohibition of 2nd person pronouns from academic writing.

In your example, “you” refers to the reader—your professor—as a consumer. Is that how you view your professor? Are your professor’s shopping habits applicable to the paper, and even if they are, is your purpose in writing the paper to advise him or her about how to shop? Of course not. Yet in dragging your professor into the paper by personalizing the reader with “you,” you have made him a conversation partner. Now instead of being just a reader, your professor feels some responsibility to contribute to the conversation, which he did by grading the paper lower!

You have unwittingly provided a perfect example of why maintaining academic distance in writing of papers is so important. This rule can be violated when a professor asks for such personalization. Some subjects, such as a first-person account of an expedition, erode the rule because the writer is of central importance and the writing can be consistently personal. Otherwise, for a writer to establish an “I-You” relationship with a reader is a failure of craft that leads to discomfort in a reader and, in some cases, to a disappointing grade for the writer.

Last Update at 2012-12-28 PM 1:52 | 0 Comments

6 Essential Rules for Persuasive Writing # 5 – Anticipate and address objections 發揮寫作說服力的六大準則之五:對相反論點的預測和應對

不管是自己選擇或教授指定,若要寫作論說式學術文章,必須先做好心理準備。你必須說明個人意見,選定觀點也很重要,結構與表達尤其攸關文章成敗。本專欄介紹六大關鍵準則,讓你寫作時發揮說服力,每項準則都會刊登在 TPS 粉絲專頁,並在最後集結於 TPS 學術電子報。
Whether by choice or assignment, when an argumentative academic paper is the task at hand, the writer must approach it with an appropriate mindset. Subjective values come into play. Point of view becomes important. Organization and presentation become even more critical to success. The elements of successful persuasive writing are explained in this series, “6 Essential Rules for Persuasive Writing.” Each of the rules will be presented on the TPS Fan page before being compiled.

Rule # 5 – Anticipate and address objections

Knowing your argument and solidly making and supporting it are absolutely essential to successful persuasive writing. A writer cannot persuade another of something if the writer doesn’t believe it himself or doesn’t provide good reasons for his belief. Yet it is almost as important to understand an opposing position and to be able to express it in the course of disputing it. This is known as “straw man” rhetoric and if handled deftly can serve to buttress the writer’s position.
了解並紮紮實實地支持你的論點,對於撰寫成功的論說文而言是不可或缺的。如果作者本人都不相信自己的說法,或者是無法提供好的理由來使人信服,這樣的寫作可無法說服他人。另一方面,對於寫作同樣重要的是能了解反方意見,並成功地在論證過程中提出反對意見。這就是「稻草人修辭」(straw man rhetoric),如果處理得當,能替作者的論點加分不少。

For example, if a writer’s position is that the sun rises in the east, he must acknowledge that some believe it rises in the west. He should state the opposing view without sarcasm or other pejorative language. To do otherwise is disrespectful and diminishes the writer’s own standing in the eyes of a reader. However, having given the alternate view, the writer then can pick it apart using whatever tools he has at his disposal—contrary evidence, witness testimony, scientific reports.

If the stature of an opposing argument is reduced this way, two goals are reached. First, the weakness of the opposing argument is exposed at the same time the strength of the writer’s position is highlighted. Two birds… one stone. Second, by anticipating and addressing objections, blowback is minimized. Opponents cannot effectively respond using rationale the writer has already addressed. They must come up with new arguments. That’s effective persuasive writing.

Last Update at 2012-12-20 AM 10:20 | 0 Comments

Professor Pedantic 教授的考究學問

The professor awaits your query on academic writing, though in all honesty, he doesn’t have a lot of time for you. He is a tenured full professor and working on yet another magnificent academic tome. Even so, he has graciously consented to entertain your question. Submit it and prepare to be edified.

QUESTION: I cannot seem to choose words and terms that are correct for academic papers, though they work OK in other writing assignments. I guess I need help in identifying how academic writing differs from other communication. Can you help?

First of all, the quality of ideas is paramount in any academic paper. If your thinking is clear and of sufficient weight—maybe even profound—the quality of your writing does not matter as much. Good writing can enhance your thinking, but it cannot substitute for weakness of thought. Even so, the basic tenor of your writing is important. If it is perceived as shallow or glib, as tossed off rather than carefully composed, its reception by your professor will not be pleasant. The correct tone of an academic paper is established through a certain style of writing. Call it… formal.
首先,撰寫學術文章最重要的就是想法的品質。如果你的概念夠清楚、夠穩固,甚至是頗具深度,那麼文筆的好壞反而沒那麼重要。好的文筆能替想法加分,但卻無法取代想法的弱點。即便如此,文章的基本意涵仍相當重要。假如教授認為你的文章內容淺薄、不經大腦,是隨隨便便交出而不是認真書寫的,那麼收到論文的他可不會太高興。學術文章的正確語調應遵循特定的寫作風格,也就是 —「正式」(formal)。

What is “formal” writing? It is formally structured writing. That is, academic writing has rules. They are not inflexible, but they are rigorously applied and serious scholars are expected to follow them. The rules can be found in any internet search of academic writing, though faculty in an institution might emphasize some rules more than others. Therefore, knowing what your professor expects in a paper is vital knowledge. Essentially, formal writing eschews informal phrasing, contractions, 2nd person pronouns (“you”), and anything else considered casual.

Having a structure actually is an advantage, because it lets a reader concentrate on the ideas being communicated rather than the style of writing employed to communicate them. Working within a “formal” framework also encourages serious, as opposed to flippant, writing. This is not to say that stilted or pompous language is the goal. Serious words and terms can also be lively. Example: “The subject manifested symptoms of throat spasm,” versus “The subject gagged.” Choosing words and terms for academic papers is writing formally, intelligently, clearly, and by the rules.

Last Update at 2012-12-14 PM 2:28 | 0 Comments

6 Essential Rules for Persuasive Writing # 4 – Give proximate support to key points 發揮寫作說服力的六大準則之四:盡力支持文章論點

不管是自己選擇或教授指定,若要寫作論說式學術文章,必須先做好心理準備。你必須說明個人意見,選定觀點也很重要,結構與表達尤其攸關文章成敗。本專欄介紹六大關鍵準則,讓你寫作時發揮說服力,每項準則都會刊登在 TPS 粉絲專頁,並在最後集結於 TPS 學術電子報。
Whether by choice or assignment, when an argumentative academic paper is the task at hand, the writer must approach it with an appropriate mindset. Subjective values come into play. Point of view becomes important. Organization and presentation become even more critical to success. The elements of successful persuasive writing are explained in this series, “6 Essential Rules for Persuasive Writing.” Each of the rules will be presented on the TPS Fan page before being compiled.

Rule # 4 – Give proximate support to key points

Persuasion is not a function of volume. That is, he who speaks the loudest is not necessarily the most persuasive. While a loud would-be persuader commands attention, he does not usually command respect. Nor does his noise penetrate much beyond the ears to the heart and mind of those listening. In persuasive writing, the same principles apply: Success comes not in what you say, or how “loudly” or strenuously you say it; it comes in effectively supporting what you say.

A fundamental principle to follow in writing a persuasive paper is to support essential points in proximity to the points. What too often happens is that a writer makes a point and then pivots away to declare another truth, eager to reveal his full argument without interruption. Yet writers don’t have to worry about being interrupted. They need only hold a reader’s attention. When they spin away too fast, even to a parallel thought, they forfeit the chance to make a point indelible.

It makes great sense sometimes to summarize the various points of an argument right up front, and then to summarize them again near the end. Yet in the body of the paper, the significant points stand along and each should be buttressed with evidence of its correctness. Often the weakest point needs the most supporting evidence to offset its intrinsic weakness. By supporting each point immediately after making it, readers will more likely be persuaded, one point at a time.

Last Update at 2012-12-07 PM 1:42 | 0 Comments

Professor Pedantic 教授的考究學問

The professor awaits your query on academic writing, though in all honesty, he doesn’t have a lot of time for you. He is a tenured full professor and working on yet another magnificent academic tome. Even so, he has graciously consented to entertain your question. Submit it and prepare to be edified.

QUESTION: In writing papers on psychology, I often have to use terminology that is culturally exclusive. An English translation often does not convey the nuances of a Chinese term. How can I best translate smoothly across cultural boundaries without loss of meaning?

Being bilingual is a wonderful asset for a writer or anyone else. The door to the world is opened just a little wider for a person conversant in two languages. However, along with the benefits of knowing two or more languages come the frustrations of translating obscure meanings from one language to another. In conversations, help from a conversation partner and hand gestures generally can bridge the obstacles. But in an academic paper, none of those solutions is available. Therefore, the writer is given the wonderful challenge of communicating the incommunicable.

This is especially the case when a word or phrase defines a cultural concept that is without its equal in a second culture. It is difficult enough when a base word in two languages has different meanings; it is much more difficult when a word in one language has no peer in a second. It is like building a bridge across a chasm with no access point on the other side. Still, engineers overcome such quandaries and so must writers. Once an incompatibility of terms is recognized, an academic writer has no other choice but to expand his capacity as a researcher and wordsmith.

First, the writer should thoroughly research the culturally unique term in question. Then words that definitively describe the term should be written down. These are the building blocks to communicate the term, piece by piece, to the new language. If a concept is particularly abstract, it can be described in terms of something similar and identifiable, using modifiers to explain any distinguishing features. If there is a term in a third language that bridges the gap, use it, again with modifiers as needed. Academic writers, like all writers, must develop their powers of description.

Last Update at 2012-11-30 PM 12:57 | 0 Comments

6 Essential Rules for Persuasive Writing # 3 – Be rational, not emotional 發揮寫作說服力的六大準則之三:保持理性,拒絕感性

不管是自己選擇或教授指定,若要寫作論說式學術文章,必須先做好心理準備。你必須說明個人意見,選定觀點也很重要,結構與表達尤其攸關文章成敗。本專欄介紹六大關鍵準則,讓你寫作時發揮說服力,每項準則都會刊登在 TPS 粉絲專頁,並在最後集結於 TPS 學術電子報。
Whether by choice or assignment, when an argumentative academic paper is the task at hand, the writer must approach it with an appropriate mindset. Subjective values come into play. Point of view becomes important. Organization and presentation become even more critical to success. The elements of successful persuasive writing are explained in this series, “6 Essential Rules for Persuasive Writing.” Each of the rules will be presented on the TPS Fan page before being compiled.

Rule # 3 – Be rational, not emotional

Persuasive writing is neither art nor science, but it is a step beyond simple argument. Arguments typically are loud affairs with more heat than light generated on both sides. Persuasive writing eschews all that in favor of reason, logic, and concentrated communication. Nowhere in the formula is there resort to emotion. Fervor is acceptable, even passion, but the strong feelings are dispassionately structured in a way that culminates in, it is hoped, an indisputable conclusion.

The persuasive writer is first of all a thinker. All academic writers draw upon intellect, of course, but to really persuade, a writer calls both upon raw knowledge and informed opinion. This comes together in something called reason. To be rational—that is, to ground an argument in reason—is to assert truths while defending against untruths. A persuasive academic paper introduces a premise with sound reasoning at the same time it anticipates and rebuts counterarguments.

Before the writing, then, comes the thinking. There can be no holes in it. Writers who lightly survey an issue or perform slipshod research are guilty of hubris. Compelling words will not persuade unless grounded in rational evidence. Without such evidence, a paper lacks intellectual standing. It is a mere popular pamphlet, rather than a treatise. Persuasive writers challenge convention. If they want others to support them, they must rationally support themselves.

Last Update at 2012-11-23 PM 2:02 | 0 Comments

Professor Pedantic 教授的考究學問

The professor awaits your query on academic writing, though in all honesty, he doesn’t have a lot of time for you. He is a tenured full professor and working on yet another magnificent academic tome. Even so, he has graciously consented to entertain your question. Submit it and prepare to be edified.

QUESTION: I generally communicate well in other areas of writing and speaking, but I am having trouble correctly employing academic terminology and structure. How do I adapt my writing skills to the academic model?

Academic writing and informal or popular writing indeed are different styles of communication. The good news is that if you are proficient in one area, you can learn to be proficient in the other. The skills are the same. Only their application differs. When you say you struggle with the “terminology and structure” of academic communication, do you mean the jargon specific to an academic discipline and the format for expressing it? Or are you having difficulty with the overall guiding principles of academic expression? Perhaps it is both. I will try to address them.

Jargon—or specialized language—can add to a paper’s precision at the same time it reduces word count. But if jargon hinders communication of an idea or deadens expression, it should be replaced by more commonplace terminology. Some preening authors forget this and seemingly are proud of the density and unreadability of their academic papers. Don’t follow their example. In respect to structure, remember one word: flow. A focused start should flow, paragraph by paragraph, into an enlightening body, and then a refocused ending. Flow. It’s really that simple.

To summarize the principles behind effective scholarly writing, a listing of words and phrases might help. Strive for the following elements: A core thesis. A logical flow of ideas. Intellectual vigor. Neutral, authoritative language. Concise and clear expression. Informed opinion. Thorough citation. In short, a scholarly writer employs critical thinking and precise expression. Non-academic writing, by comparison, is imprecise and spontaneous. While spontaneity is liberating, knowing the logic behind structured writing can free up a good academic writer.

Last Update at 2012-11-16 PM 12:50 | 0 Comments

6 Essential Rules for Persuasive Writing # 2 – Believe 發揮寫作說服力的六大準則之二:宣示信念

不管是自己選擇或教授指定,若要寫作論說式學術文章,必須先做好心理準備。你必須說明個人意見,選定觀點也很重要,結構與表達尤其攸關文章成敗。本專欄介紹六大關鍵準則,讓你寫作時發揮說服力,每項準則都會刊登在 TPS 粉絲專頁,並在最後集結於 TPS 學術電子報。
Whether by choice or assignment, when an argumentative academic paper is the task at hand, the writer must approach it with an appropriate mindset. Subjective values come into play. Point of view becomes important. Organization and presentation become even more critical to success. The elements of successful persuasive writing are explained in this series, “6 Essential Rules for Persuasive Writing.” Each of the rules will be presented on the TPS Fan page before being compiled.

Rule # 2 – Believe

More so than some writing projects, persuasive papers must be grounded in conviction. That is, having academic interest in a subject is not sufficient commitment to a written argument, if convincing a reader is the goal. A persuasive writer must believe a thesis to be true, because some readers surely will not. Merely striking a supportive stance—posturing, in a word—is not persuasive, because insincerity inevitably leaks through to undermine any points being made.

So the required mindset is belief. You must openly believe what you are espousing in a persuasive paper. This is difficult for some writers, who have been taught the virtue of objectivity and academic distance in their expository writing. While emotional appeals are not appropriate, fervent factual espousal of a doctrine, policy, or finding is absolutely OK. Stridency can be a turnoff, but resolute testimony is not. Do not be of two minds about your subject.

Having and expressing convictions in a paper should not be a stretch for a serious academic writer. After all, you are immersing yourself in academics precisely because you appreciate the power of the mind. Papers written to persuade bring all of that power to bear including the considerable energy unleashed by imagination and fresh thinking. Combined with courage, these intellectual assets are the tools for changing the world, one mind at a time. Believe you can.

Last Update at 2012-11-09 PM 12:45 | 0 Comments