0621 TPS Spot the Error Contest-Answer and Explanation 你是挑錯的高手嗎? 正確解答

Answer: “admissions” should be “emissions.”

“While nuclear energy is free of harmful emissions, the energy-generation process also produces radioactive waste, which remains problematic.”

Error: The writer almost chooses a correct word in “admissions.” However, the needed word was “emissions.” The words are similar in that they describe movement from one place to another. They are different in that one (admission) generally describes inward movement and the other (emission) describes outward movement. Admission can be likened to “enter” and emission to “exit.” So the writer inadvertently used a word that meant the opposite of what was intended. The sentence specifically alludes to conventional power plant side-products that pollute when they are emitted, or thrown out, through the plant’s smokestacks.
作者的用字 “admissions” 其實很接近了,不過正確的字應該是 “emissions”。這兩個字很像,都描述物體從甲地移至乙地,但是 admission 一般指移向內部,emission 則指移向外部,admission 和進入 (enter) 有關,emission 和離開 (exit) 有關。作者不小心選錯字,表達的意思與原意的方向相反,本句特別指稱傳統發電廠經由煙囪排放出副產物,造成汙染。

Posted at 2011-06-21 15:50:22

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