0613 Brevity: Valuing Each Word-Answer and Explanation 簡潔準則:惜字如金 正確解答

Answer: We believe the best revision is… “Fifty years ago, computers were large compared to today’s models, unreliable, difficult to operate, and considered a technology without a future.”
我們相信最佳寫法應為 “Fifty years ago, computers were large compared to today’s models, unreliable, difficult to operate, and considered a technology without a future.”

This sentence reduces the word count to 21 from 28, mostly by eliminating weasel words. What is weasel wording? It is phraseology that hedges rather than declares. In this case, the writer hedged by writing earlier computers were “quite large,” rather than flat-out saying they were large, especially when placed side by side with today’s hand-held units. Other weasel words are “pretty” and “very” and “almost.” While such modifiers have their legitimate uses, they are only fillers in this sentence.
剔除遁辭後,句子從28個字變成21個字。什麼是遁辭?使用遁辭就是用字閃爍其詞,不直接說明。例句裡,作者取巧地說,和今天的手提電腦相比,早期的電腦「相當大」(“quite large”) ,而非直截了當地說電腦很大。其他遁辭還有 “pretty”、“very” 與 “almost”。這些修飾語有其適切的用法,但在本例中只是濫竽充數。

The introductory phrase, “About a half century ago,” is unnecessarily vague. A quick check of computer history shows that it would have been accurate to say “Fifty years ago…,” or for that matter 55 years ago. Instead, the lazy writer opted to use tired and imprecise “about” phrasing. In another place, the writer used two passive words—“by comparison”—instead of “compared,” a more forceful expression. Not only does the passive construction slow down a reader, it lengthens the sentence without vivifying it.
開頭句 “About a half century ago” 很模糊,可以更精準的表達,稍微查證一下電腦的歷史,就知道用 50 年前 (“Fifty years ago…,”) 才正確,更精確點,應該說 55 年前。但是作者卻偷懶,用老套含糊的 “about” 表達;此外,作者還用了被動說法 “by comparison”,而非更有力的 “compared”。被動結構不僅讓人讀得慢,也拉長句子,難以讓句子更生動。

Writers make a mistake when they believe readers of academic papers—usually professors—are OK with trudging to a conclusion, rather than being propelled to the end by active, direct word choices. Writers also err in believing that dropping in modifiers and otherwise fudging instead of writing with exactness goes unnoticed by these same professors. This is a helpful rule of thumb for a writer of a paper: The heavier and more insipid the subject, the more direct and animated the writing must be. Content is gold, but gold is heavy; lift it with exact, robust language.

Posted at 2011-06-14 12:36:47

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