Professor Pedantic 教授的考究學問

The professor awaits your query on academic writing, though in all honesty, he doesn’t have a lot of time for you. He is a tenured full professor and working on yet another magnificent academic tome. Even so, he has graciously consented to entertain your question. Submit it and prepare to be edified.

QUESTION: "Ember of airy longing, Ache of unbeing, Is your heart not stone? Hour, light, fare well.”
This secondary poem that I read hidden within Fred Chappell's “Narcissus and Echo” contains a potent message, but what does it mean?
「不切實際的渴望,無法存在的痛楚,你的心莫不像石頭一般?別了,時光。」 Fred Chappell 在<納西斯與艾可>詩中隱藏了這第二首詩,我感受到詩中帶有強烈的訊息,請問它的意思是什麼呢?

好的,這個問題,你真的想知道我的回答嗎? 我相信問你問題的文學系教授或是老師會想知道你的答案,而不是聽你最喜歡的TPS教授的答案。不過,時下青年通常會喜歡看林志玲的海報,難得你花時間看Chappell的詩句,非常值得嘉許。我想我能回答你的是:我不知道答案。
Well, that is the question—and you really expect me to answer it? I am quite certain the literature faculty member who asked the question would rather receive your answer than that of your favorite TPS professor. However, on the off chance you actually were reading Chappell’s poetry in your free time instead of ogling a Lin Chiling layout, let me say this: I don’t know.

The truth is, no one really knows the true intent behind the words of poets, unless the poets happen to confess to particular meanings and they hardly ever do. Nor do lyricists “explain” their more obscure lyrics; if you have to ask, a song clearly is not meant for your ears. In the same way, a poem depends upon a reader’s heightened sensibility to complete the artful communication of an emotion or image. Absent such linkage, the words are mere words.

今天,若你問我個人對於這句詩句的”詮釋”,我還是可以回答你。就僅僅從Chappell的作品中另外節錄的詩來看,我感受到回音女神(nymph Echo)的悲傷,由於無法戰勝納西斯(Narcissus)的自戀,更無法得到他的寵愛,她只能藉由不斷重覆納西斯的話以傳達她的真摰與心碎,最後只好傷心的向他告別。這詩句優美且傳神的傳達神話故事的唯美。假設對詩句的解釋,仍然使你無法理解,那麼請你不要難過,畢竟,它的原文是希臘文。
Now, if you are asking for my interpretation of the secondary poem, well, that is something else entirely. I interpret Chappell’s vertical poem on the edge of the main poem to be a lament of the nymph Echo. She cleverly echoes the words of Narcissus in expressing her heartfelt loss at failing to win his affection and to overcome his self-love; sorrowfully, she bids him good-bye. The poem is a delicate and adroit handling of a mythological conversation. If the likely meaning still is unclear to you, well, it is, after all, Greek.

Posted at 2012-04-06 10:33:45

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