What does that mean? 你真的瞭解這個慣用語嗎?

Imagery buries itself in language and takes on new meaning. The transplanted and transformed sets of words are called “figures of speech.” For a figure of speech to be effective, however, a writer must first understand the original meaning of the phrase. The following sentence contains a common figure of speech. Its original meaning is explained.

“The scientist gratefully slipped into Harvard’s full professorship and, as if the position were a glass slipper, transformed his itinerant career.”

“Glass slipper” refers to the worldwide classic tale Cinderella, which some believe is rooted in an ancient Chinese story. It is about a lovely girl, her cruel stepmother and stepdaughters, and a handsome prince who finally finds his princess when Cinderella’s foot perfectly fits a left-behind ballroom slipper made of glass. The sequence has become a metaphor for anything of perfect fit and happy ending.
玻璃鞋(Glass slipper)來自於舉世聞名的童話故事「灰姑娘」,有些人認為這個故事起源於中國。故事中描述了美麗的少女、殘酷的後母與姐姐,還有英俊的王子。灰姑娘的腳恰好地套進遺留在皇宮大廳的玻璃鞋,於是王子終於找到了心目中的王妃。這個故事經常用來比喻完美合適的組合,以及帶來的快樂結局。

As used in a paper about an Asian scientist whose career had a prestigious conclusion, the allusion neatly summarizes a wedding of talent and opportunity. The academic chair offered to the scientist was the equivalent of the slipper offered Cinderella: It was only a fit for a certain individual whose unique talent and resume would qualify him or her. As an aside, whether the scientist can turn a pumpkin into a carriage is a whole other question.

Posted at 2011-05-05 16:58:33

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