0314 TPS One Word Away From Confusion Contest-Answer and Explanation你能找出混淆字嗎? 正確解答!

Correct Best Answer: Replace “defunding” with “funding.”

“The stigma of mental illness in many developed societies slows timely diagnosis, treatment, and funding of the illness.”

Between the beginning of the sentence and the end of the sentence, the writer lost track of his train of thought. He intended to communicate how putative shame associated with mental illness can have a negative impact on, among other things, financial support for mental health care. However, by using “defunding” instead of “funding,” the writer expressed almost the opposite. To slow defunding is, in fact, to stabilize funding. The lesson is to know where a sentence is headed and to select words that help it arrive.
從句子的開頭到結束之間,作者的思緒出現混淆。他的原意是要表達一般人將精神疾病視為恥辱,對於精神健康照護的補助金額甚至造成負面影響。然而,混淆了 “defunding” 與 “funding” 兩字後,文章表達出來的意思剛好相反。這裡所謂的「減緩 “defunding”」 事實上意味著讓補助金額更加穩定。所以,所以,從中學得的警剔是,句子必須弄清楚邏輯與原意,而且慎選用字,句意才能完整清楚表達出來。

Posted at 2012-09-14 11:10:35

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