12/20 TPS Spot the Error Contest-Win Your NTD200 7-11/Starbucks Prize! 你是挑錯的高手嗎? 有機會獲得價值200元統一超商/星巴克咖啡禮券!


The sentence below contains one (1) grammatical, spelling and/or punctuation error. The three (3) TPS Fans to respond with the corrected sentence will win a NTD200 Starbucks Gift Certificate. The corrected sentence and the name of the winner will be published tomorrow on this TPS Fan Page. Please post your answers below. Good Luck!

題目Contest Sentence:

To determine how much the writings of Niccolo Machiavelli still effect political discussions, one need only count the number of citations of The Prince.

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Posted at 2012-04-06 10:37:00

0 Response to 12/20 TPS Spot the Error Contest-Win Your NTD200 7-11/Starbucks Prize! 你是挑錯的高手嗎? 有機會獲得價值200元統一超商/星巴克咖啡禮券!
