0124 TPS One Word Away From Confusion Contest-Answer and Explanation你能找出混淆字嗎? 正確解答!

Correct Best Answer: Replace “desolation” with “isolation.”

“Some tribes living in the Amazon River Valley of South America are considered the last primitive people, living in isolation by utilizing the jungle’s resources.”

A desolate place has, by definition, no inhabitants. It is characterized by abandonment, joylessness and barrenness. Obviously, the tribes exist, for they have been photographed, and continue to multiply, so they are not barren. They may even be happy. Hence, they are not living in desolation. Rather, the tribes live in a place far removed from other people and from modernity itself. They are isolated. To say the Amazonian tribes live in isolation, then, is a correct statement.
'desolate'是荒涼的意思,沒有棲息居住的意涵,表示遭遺棄、無生氣、荒蕪之境。根據題目,很明顯的,曾有人拍攝到部落是存在的,且人數持續增長中,所以他們身處的不是荒廢的地方,甚至於他們應該是非常快樂的一群民族。因此,他們並非住在荒蕪之地,應該是說,部落位在很遠的地方,一般人無法輕易接近。他們是被隔離的。正確的說法應為 the Amazonian tribes live in isolation。

The winner of this week's prize is Tina Hsu who is the first fan to submit the best correct answer.
在第一時間指出混淆字並且寫出最佳替代字的粉絲,這次獲獎的粉絲是Jim Lee。恭禧Jim!

Thanks for everyone's participation in this week's One Word Away From Confusion Contest. Congratulations to all who wrestled with the sentence and learned something about the value of individual words.

Posted at 2012-04-06 11:00:05

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