7 Tips for Avoiding Plagiarism Tip # 1 – Know plagiarism when you see it 避免抄襲的七大方法之一:了解何為剽竊

真正的學者不會竊取他人的想法,不過研究過程中,有時可能無意間侵占了其他研究者的想法或表達方式。本系列「避免抄襲的七大方法」提供訣竅,幫助你避免不小心冒用他人的心血結晶。每則訣竅將刊登在 TPS 專頁。
A true scholar is not a thief. Yet stealing another researcher’s ideas or method of expressing them sometimes happens inadvertently in the course of research. How to avoid accidentally passing off someone else’s work as your own is the subject of this series, “7 Tips for Avoiding Plagiarism.” Each of the tips will be presented on the TPS Fan page before being compiled with the others as a series.

Tip # 1 – Know plagiarism when you see it

First of all, the assumption is that no true scholar wants credit for another scholar’s work. Such a desire nullifies any claim to being a scholar, after all, for a plagiarizer quite evidently has not learned enough to teach anyone anything. The root word of plagiary refers to kidnapping; there is no question that a plagiarist is a person trading in ill-gotten information. So every true researcher should be able to identify plagiarism and want to avoid it to ensure the integrity of a work.
首先,我們假設真正的學者不會侵占其他學者的心血,否則他就失去學者的資格;畢竟,如果一個人只會剽竊,他的學識必定不足以為人師。剽竊 (plagiary) 一詞的詞根意謂巧取豪奪,無疑地,剽竊者傳遞的知識都是以不正當的方式取得。因此,每個真正的研究者應該要能判別何為剽竊,並竭力避免,如此工作成果在道德誠信上才站得住腳。

Yet accidents happen. An academic project of any length has multiple entry points for inadvertent plagiarism by the most respected researcher. Such slip-ups—with the attendant embarrassment and professional penalties upon exposure—can be avoided if a researcher knows what constitutes plagiarism and maintains a guard against it. This presumes a scholar is not outright copying material or otherwise trafficking in forgery. For that, there is no hope.

Plagiarism’s danger area for honest researchers is about fully giving credit. When credit for authorship is insufficiently accorded, a reader attributes to the writer something properly attributed to someone else. This can happen through incomplete quotations, or paraphrases that really are exact quotes, or from some other failure to fully identify a source. It is critical that a researcher separate original and borrowed ideas by clearly declaring the latter. Know your mind.

Posted at 2012-01-04 11:14:36

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