
每天上Facebook總是忍不住按「讚」嗎?對於我們的專欄「讚」不釋手嗎?好消息!各位粉絲以及所有參加活動的朋友,只要從TPS過去這一年裡所刊登的英文競賽與學術專欄中,選出最喜歡的前三項並寫上理由,我們將從勾選最多、最受大家喜愛的前三個項目中,各隨機抽出兩名幸運兒,贈送誠品書店/誠品商場購物禮券,價值新台幣三百元!讓您沈浸於書香氣息之餘,亦可與三五好友一同購物與享受美食。歡迎TPS粉絲與所有參加的朋友踴躍說出心中的想法!請點入活動網頁,立即參加活動: http://www.publishedscholar.com/survey/survey.signup.php?survey_sn=14

1. 活動期間:即日起至12月31日止。
2. 本活動將於2012年1月5日抽獎,1月6日於TPS Facebook官網公佈幸運得主。
3. 本活動將以完成三項勾選並各寫上理由的參加者視為有效填答,即可參加抽獎。
4. 若參加者勾選超過三項,將按照所選項目之順序選擇前三項進行結果統計。例如若是勾選的是2,4,5及7,我們將以2,4,5三項進行統計。
5. 您的個人資訊僅供寄送獎品使用,絕不對外公開,敬請您放心。

Frequent user of Facebook? A big fan of TPS columns? We have some good news for you! If you have participated in any of our previous contests, or if you are simply a fan of TPS, we are now offering a chance to win a 300 NTD gift certificate to Eslite Books. Interested? Read on! From a list of eleven contests or academic columns TPS has posted over the past year, simply choose your favorite three and attach a short explanation of why the particular column or contest made it into your top three. Once all the results are in, we will tally the answers to see which three contests or columns received the most votes. From each of these columns, we will then randomly pick two lucky winners to receive an Eslite gift certificate, which can be used at any Eslite bookstore or Eslite affiliated department store or restaurant. So don't be shy and let us know how you feel about your favorite TPS activities of 2011. Click on the link below to start voting today! http://www.publishedscholar.com/survey/survey.signup.php?survey_sn=14

1.Event starts immediately. Deadline for all entries is December 31, 2011 at 11:59PM.
2.The drawing for the gift certificates will be held on January 5; winners will be announced on the TPS Facebook page the following day.
3.Entries which have not submitted three choices with reasons for their choice will not be eligible for the drawing.
4.For those who have submitted more than three choices, we will use only three of your choices for the drawing starting with the lowest numerical choice (e.g. If you picked 2,4,5, and 7, we will only use 2,4, and 5 for the drawing).
5. Any contact information you give us with only be used to send the certificate.

Posted at 2011-12-19 16:48:57

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