0926 Brevity: Valuing Each Word-Answer and Explanation 簡潔準則:惜字如金 正確解答

Answer: We believe the best revision is… “The truth is, the president is not presidential and is poorly served by Trevor Chan, his vice president for life.”

This suggested revision reduces the word count to 20 from 27. It does so by shortening one introductory phrase and eliminating a second. “The facts of the matter are…” is a clichéd phrase that nonetheless serves a purpose: It defines what follows. It usually is employed as a rhetorical device, declaring that the declaration to come is factual—at least in the mind of the person making the statement—as opposed to previously expressed opinion. “The truth is…” serves this same purpose, but more concisely. Not prefacing the assertion of “facts” weakens it.
句子照建議修改,縮短第一個片語、刪除第二個片語後,字數從 27 個字減少到 20 個字。“The facts of the matter are…” 是個陳舊的片語,目的只是解釋其後的句子,通常是種修辭手法,表明作者認為以下的敘述是事實,不像之前那樣是表達意見。“The truth is…” 這個片語也能達到同樣的效果,而且更簡潔,不加入 “facts” 一字並不會使原意不清楚。

The sentence contains a second introductory phrase—“who is”—that is unneeded and renders the sentence clunky when it is included. The subject of the dependent phrase following the name, Trevor Chan, clearly is the person named, Chan. Therefore, the “who is” serves no purpose other than to slow down the reader, and slowing reading is not something writers should try to do without good reason. In this academic paper, no reason exists to slow the rhythm and pace of the paper, which analyzes contemporary political figures in a quasi-democracy.
同樣的,句中另一個引介片語 “who is” 不僅沒有必要,還讓句子更冗贅。置於人名 Trevor Chan 後非獨立片語的主詞,很顯然就是指 Trevor Chan;所以 “who is” 沒有其他用處,只會拖慢讀者閱讀的速度而已。如果作者沒有正當理由,就不應該拖慢讀者的閱讀速度。本篇學術文章討論當代準民主體制中的政治人物,沒有理由在此放慢文章的節奏步調。

What probably happened is that the writer lapsed into colloquial language, writing in a conversational style. Most people habitually are more verbose in their speech than in their writing. In conversation, we tend to ramble while we sort through our thoughts. We use spoken words to fill silent conversational moments while we search for clear expression. Such wordiness in verbal dialogue can be appealing, but reading filler words is not. When introductory phrases are required to frame a written thought, doing so concisely always is the better choice.

Posted at 2011-09-28 10:25:11

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