10 個導致退稿的常見寫作錯誤之九
10 Common Writing Errors That Can Spell “Rejection” for Your Manuscript: Error 9
10 個導致退稿的常見寫作錯誤之九

Error 9: “Affect” Is Not the Same as “Effect”

“According to dermatologist Robert Norman, accumulated fats effect not only the arteries but also cause a benign skin growth called Xanthomas.”

The two words sound alike in speech because they are nearly homonyms, but they are not the same. “Affect” is always a verb, while “effect” is always a noun, with one exception. You can use “effect” as a verb when it means “to bring something into existence, as in: “The late congressional session effected a series of new laws.” The sample sentence calls for the verb “affect.”

這兩個詞的發音近似,因為幾乎算得上是同音意異詞,但是還是有差別。“Affect” 永遠是動詞,“effect” 則永遠是名詞,只有一個例外:當 “effect” 是表示「實現某事」的意思,如 “The late congressional session effected a series of new laws.”,可當作動詞用。這個例句中應該用動詞 “affect”。

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