Professor Pedantic 教授的考究學問
The professor awaits your query on academic writing, though in all honesty, he doesn’t have a lot of time for you. He is a tenured full professor and working on yet another magnificent academic tome. Even so, he has graciously consented to entertain your question. Submit it and prepare to be edified.

QUESTION: Figures of speech seem to me to be out of place in an academic paper. Such a paper needs clarity and conciseness and figures of speech are neither, and may actually hamper readership of a paper. Am I wrong to believe this?

Yes. You are wrong. Next question… Oh, well, I guess we should explore it a little further. What you are expressing is a common misconception. Some in the upper reaches of academia are almost self-conscious in their professional sobriety and seriousness of purpose and believe research papers should be similarly devoid of anything leavening. All else being equal, they will weigh a paper according to its dullness, with the most sodden, uncolorful, and tedious writing tipping the scales of perceived academic “excellence.”

But I ask you: When was the last time you entered a store and bought a pound of dullness? I suspect the answer is, never. Why then would you settle for anything less than liveliness and vigor in an academic paper? Your mistake is to equate spare and unadorned language with clarity and conciseness. In fact, bare language can obfuscate and clutter. Short is not necessarily succinct. Whereas a figure of speech not only can express a thought in fewer words than a direct statement, it can convey the thought more completely.

Dr. Karen Gocsik of Dartmouth College lists 7 principles of writing good sentences in academic papers and number 7 is “Write Beautifully.” She counsels writers wanting to improve their papers to explore such elements as balance, rhythm and… metaphor. I concur. Obviously, figures of speech should not take over a paper any more than anecdotes should substitute for verifiable substance. But employed adeptly, figures of speech can contribute to a paper’s brevity, clarity, narrative pace, and focus—and do it beautifully.
達特茅斯學院(Dartmouth College)的 Karen Gocsik 教授列出寫作學術論文佳句的七項原則,第七項是「寫作優美」。她建議,若想改善文章寫作,應注意平衡、節奏,以及善用隱喻。我同意她的看法。顯然地,軼事趣聞從未能取代論文中可驗證的事實據理,比喻自然也無須俯拾即是,不過若能巧妙善用比喻,文章則能更加簡練、清楚,敘事更有條理,焦點更清晰。


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