8 Ways to Choose a Perfect Research Paper Topic # 7 – Don’t be afraid to explore the edge of a subject

“Perfect” is a relative term in academic writing, but it always is the ideal. The first rule in the pursuit of perfection in a paper is to choose a topic wisely. This essay introduces and explains one guide in selecting a topic. Each guide is contained in “8 Guides in Choosing a Perfect Research Paper Topic” and will be posted on the TPS Fan page as introduced.

#7 – Don’t be afraid to explore the edge of a subject
原則七 勇敢探索學科的邊緣領域

As in the previous guideline about an original topic, this suggestion is about how to make a paper distinctive from hundreds of similar papers. The recommendation is to look toward the edges of a subject where previous researchers have been reluctant to explore. After all, while plowing the same ground sometimes turns up new topical material, an aspiring researcher is very likely to find fresher, more compelling information by turning over rocks on the edge of the field.

Working the edges of a subject doesn’t lessen the value of a paper. Content is king regardless of where it is found. Relevancy is not related to how central a topic is, but how it contributes to the overall understanding of a subject. For example, everyone might know that a minor emperor was a stout man, yet no one know that he secretly wore a padded cummerbund to enhance his girth, believing it befit his rank. Such revelation can introduce new psychological perspective.
論文的價值不會因為主題較邊緣而減少,因為不管資料從哪裡發現,內容才是重點。論文的價值無關主題是否為學科重心,重點是能否促進了解整體學科。例如,多數人都曉得minor emperor是不具影響力的君王,即使他會暗地裡配戴有填充物的寬腰帶增加腰圍,想藉此與他的地位相襯,世人也不覺得重要或值得探究。其實,像這類人們口中所謂的「小事」,若深入去研究,反而說不定能找到特別的新發現,對於心理學研究者而言,這樣的發現或許有機會引入新的心理學觀點。

Looking to the edge of a subject for new topical material is not the same as being edgy, though being edgy is OK. Edgy might be defined as flirting with irrelevancy by looking “way out there” for a topic. The key is not to drift so far from a core subject that one loses sight of an assignment. Professors are not amused by such independence. Nevertheless, one should feel free to explore the entire range of a subject, hither and yon, with an open mind about what you discover yon.

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